There has been a lot of news and discussion lately about raising wages to a more livable standard for workers in the United States. Recent articles I've come across have highlighted that the unemployment crisis is transitioning to become a wages crisis. Politicians seem out of touch and unable to make widescale changes that are needed to ensure that essential services such as child care, health care, and housing are available to families, and it's not likely that employers will willingly begin shelling out more money to employees anytime soon. So what solutions are available for community developers and citizen advocates to initiate?
A recent read that I would strongly recommend discusses this issue from a unique perspective. Creating Wealth: Growing Local Economies with Local Currencies
Another exciting movement detailed in Creating Wealth
is the creation of community time banks. For those of you who can identify with being "short on money but long on time", this can be a great method for exchanging services. I myself would love to learn more about gardening or maybe have some assistance filing taxes, but I don't know if I would really be able to provide the funds to consult with an expert. Community time banks allow me to request help with these services for an agreed-upon amount of hours, which I could earn by providing services I am more adept to (tutoring and babysitting may not be great talents, but I'm sure there are those who might be needing them!).
If you are interested in participating or learning more about local time banks, you can become a member of Reston USE (Useful Services Exchange) if you are in the northern Virginia area, or find one near you through TimeBanks USA.
If you are interested in participating or learning more about local time banks, you can become a member of Reston USE (Useful Services Exchange) if you are in the northern Virginia area, or find one near you through TimeBanks USA.
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