So, until Babygirl is a little bigger, I am resolved to coming up with other ways to promote my values and ideals. I guess one thing to do is stop moping about lost opportunities, and teach my little one to appreciate the wonders of the world by having the best day ever! I completely did not plan any of these activities, we just went with the flow and ended up having a perfect time together! Hopefully these kind of moments will resonate with Babygirl, and inspire her to treasure and protect the resources that provide them.
How we have the best day ever:
- Wear sundresses in bright colors!
- Pick up local, certified organic produce at the farmers' market to inspire my husband's culinary genius
- Rehydrate, re-energize, and treat ourselves to juiced watermelon and great conversation at New Family Naturals juice bar
- Go swimming with family and friends!
- Eat blackberries wearing nothing (except a diaper)
- Feed the ducks at the lake
- Read a new book
- Play outside during a summer rain
- Snuggle up and tell someone how much you love them :)
- Make a list of things to be grateful for!
Have the best day ever,
The Yuppie Hippie
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